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American Alsatian

Czechoslovak and related overseas Saarlooswolfdog

American Alsatian

Old Europe 

Members of the Nordic nations have crossed centuries ago, from time to time to their dogs with wolves to be in remote and isolated areas, avoid the hazards of close inbreeding and to get stronger and hardier dogs pulling.
The novodobemu crossing occurred later, but worth mentioning were the only two tight ends to a
successful experiment with crossbreeding German Shepherds and Wolves: first dog, now Slovak national breed, and Saarloos wolfhound, the Dutch breed. And there were in addition to other, if offspring derived from crosses of the fertile kolikateho tribe, the reason for the efforts of the hybrids,who should be the nature of the domestic dog and the exterior and the strength of the wolf.
Because the two Alsatian we took in the sights on past issues, look at what is known about us Alsatian American.

... And New World

Intentional crossing a dog and a wolf was going on in the United States, roughly from the 50 of the last century. American Kennel Club but hybrids still not recognized as a breed, even when talking about the local estimates of a large number of hybrids - from several tens of thousands to more than half a million. But there's kennel clubs and developing standards.
The reason is not accepted by both the different breeds of dogs for breeding (and malamutes or huskies), both transient type IV crosses the Alaskan Arctic wolf and German shepherdand last but not least, themselves, some owners of these hybrids, whose conduct, in effect, directed against the recognition of the breed and tend to the banning of the breed.

What man, such Alsatian

Wolves had from time immemorial infamous reputation, as evidenced by our tales of unruly or kuzlatkach Riding Hood. However, they are shy creatures, which can well assess each situation and, if from their point of view is not strictly necessary, the man always avoid. Because each connection is a percentage chance that unwanted inherit properties from time to time it happens that assertive or aggressive dog forward the talents and her offspring, resulting from the connection with the wolf.It is possible dog aggression, combined with the power of the wolf reinforce some of the owners of these animals have training, either to protect themselves and their property, but more often to impress the neighborhood, or is threatened to enrich themselves at his expense. Such people obviously are not interested in clubs and be subject to any convention or public scrutiny.
Several of the excesses led to public debate and subsequent breeding of wolf-dog bans in many states

Future Alsatian American: in the stars

American kennel clubs and associations of American tundra-Alsatian but it give up and work to stabilize the exterior and povahoveho type hybrids, only hybrids wolf with a German shepherd.The work of enthusiasts across the U.S. is also the only education to the public, but also potential owners, that each of them realized what your animal can and should expect, or what is probably the nedocka: Alsatian probably not a good guard, because the bark (but more so in other cases, howling), no guard, because the crisis will resolve escape, nor the right pet home, it has a more or less rooted distance from humans, and their autonomy is not the most accidents training.
The reason to buy an American dog, therefore, lies elsewhere: in a wonderful combination of the best features of both breeds. It is sturdy, strong and elegant, shy but proud and will own, highly intelligent,friendly to their own people and foreign shy. We are still probably still does not.
American Wolfdog is a different breed than the formerly US-Canadian white shepherd, now recognized by the FCI as White Swiss Shepherd.

The Alsatian American Standard

Breed reaches closer to average size: males measured from approximately 69-79 cm, Bitches 64-74 cm. Males and females can weigh about 11 to 20 kilograms.
Its anatomy is very similar to a wolf. The body is strong, athletic, with a proud carriage. Average length of legs, a short hairy tail, curved sickle and carried low. Ears medium size, upright, triangularBlack or brown (in contrast to European wolf hybrids with NO: Wolfdog, according to the FCI standard amber-colored eyes, Saarlooswolfdog should have bright eyes, preferably yellow), medium-sized mouth.
The coat is dense, medium length with a different color: black and tan, sable, fawn, brown or agouti.
American Wolfdog is very strong, not only physically but also in the will and manners.
Like a cross between a dog and a wolf is an American Alsatian less predictable than most purebred domestic dogs. In terms of intelligence is one of the lead breeds with the highest IQ. However, such clever dogs need mental challenges in order to thrive.
American Wolfdog you are just to the people in the true sense of the adult and canine experience.Despite its origins and reputation of this breed is susceptible to treatment and access. Absolutely essential is the proper socialization from an early age as a puppy and getting used to humans and other animals. The next step is proper education with hard training. Alsatian American must never believe that man has control over.
Alsatian American today is still about a quarter wolf. Therefore, it must be adequately treated. It's definitely not a dog in the nuclear family, but belongs to a real hand specialists, who bring up him carefully for a specific job description. Of course it can also raise a pet, but would remain dormant just the natural properties for which it was created.The most perfect is one particular smell and the persistence of wolf ancestry and high intelligence inherited a German shepherd. With proper treatment it can work as a guard, army or police dogs.
Care Alsatian American made no special demands on the maintenance of hair or the quality of food (if not working hard physically). Does not fit into any environment, because the normal modes of communication are howling. Also, enclosure should be adequately secured and beyond to be sure to have a dog under control on a leash, they may be prone to wandering. It is able to live outdoors year round, it is perfectly adapted to life in chilly weather. Surprisingly, tolerance and living in warmer lands,But it's not an ideal situation for him.
Alsatian American lives up to twelve to fourteen years.

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