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Pharaonic dog Kelb tal females

Sometimes this is called faraonskym hound dog, but it is not good indications. This is not about the actual hound, but a bird, a relative ibizskym podengum. The roots of this rare breed doubt goes back deep into the past, but accurate information about this breed is already irretrievably lost. Pharaonic dog is characterized by its rapid hunting. When hunting is aimed as a majority only by sight hound, but also used his excellent sense of smell is developed. It's very friendly and affectionate dog. It is also very playful and intelligent. The very cleaves its owner, thereby facilitating the education and the desire to adapt and as far as possible to meet your master. Pharaonic dog against a foreign people in their own way restrained, but is willing to make friends with them, unless they accede to it.The family is very flexible, but its strong hunting instinct he has remained, so it is necessary to give him a careful education. At first glance you are interested in its characteristic and unmistakable appearance.
most interesting is his noble appearance and look, upright position
most interesting is his noble appearance and look, upright position

History of breed

Pharaonic greyhound is one of the oldest breeds. The history of this breed goes back to several thousands of years in our past. It is known that the representation of Anubis Sakali head, the Egyptian god of the dead are around 7,500 years old and is almost perfect, it is the head of pharaonic dog. Although today's form of Pharaoh and dogs depicted on ancient Egyptian freskach is exactly the same, the Pharaonic dog is not a direct descendant of these ancient dogs. Original faraonsti dogs were bred solely for hunting and for example: gazelles or antelopes. There are also suggestions that Pharaoh is prapredkem jackal. Egyptian empire in time lapse and the Pharaonic and dog, and has long been thought that the Pharaonic dog completely extinct
Sometimes this is called faraonskym hound dog, but it is not good indications. This is not about the actual hound, but a bird, a relative ibizskym podengum. The roots of this rare breed doubt goes back deep into the past, but accurate information about this breed is already irretrievably lost. Pharaonic dog is characterized by its rapid hunting. When hunting is aimed as a majority only by sight hound, but also used his excellent sense of smell is developed. It's very friendly and affectionate dog. It is also very playful and intelligent. The very cleaves its owner, thereby facilitating the education and the desire to adapt and as far as possible to meet your master. Pharaonic dog against a foreign people in their own way restrained, but is willing to make friends with them, unless they accede to it.The family is very flexible, but its strong hunting instinct he has remained, so it is necessary to give him a careful education. At first glance you are interested in its characteristic and unmistakable appearance.
Pharaonic dog Kelb tal females

History of breed

Pharaonic greyhound is one of the oldest breeds. The history of this breed goes back to several thousands of years in our past. It is known that the representation of Anubis Sakali head, the Egyptian god of the dead are around 7,500 years old and is almost perfect, it is the head of pharaonic dog. Although today's form of Pharaoh and dogs depicted on ancient Egyptian freskach is exactly the same, the Pharaonic dog is not a direct descendant of these ancient dogs. Original faraonsti dogs were bred solely for hunting and for example: gazelles or antelopes. There are also suggestions that Pharaoh is prapredkem jackal. Egyptian empire in time lapse and the Pharaonic and dog, and has long been thought that the Pharaonic dog completely extinct.

However, one beautiful day on the island of Malta was a complete accident discovered the dog, which is exactly similar to thousands of years old Pharaonic malbam dogs who are shown in the Egyptian pyramids and other historical monuments. Breed the islands receive most likely due to buyers who traveled between Egypt and Malta. While dogs staroegyptsti extinct, so the dog Pharaonic Malta settled and survived over thousands of years. For so long in some cases probably changed, but only to clarify the matter remained not tampered with, and in its appearance. It is attributed to Maltanum that maintain their beautiful appearance, despite such a long time and that this very rare and noble race preserved in the same form as we know from staroegyptskych paintings.
Pharaonic dog no longer serve as a hunter gazelles and antelopes, but his fate remained hunting. Maltese it used to catch rabbits. Since this profession is derived and its original name and Kelb tal Fenek, which in translation means something like a rabbit Maltese dog.
In Europe, the first dog ever imported in the sixties. They were married Block, who discovered the dog on the island of farmers and then exported it to Great Britain, was the first Pharaoh in Europe and bear the name of Twinley Bahri. This first export then added and the girl started a new breeding, but not only these first two dogs, but others had to undergo a long process than can be transferred to Europe.Each specimen had to be carefully traced and selected from all over the island, followed by a six-month quarantine. For the export of this breed was sacrificing a lot of time, effort, and financial investments, and all is not without a lot of problems that had to deal with. Already it is clear from this that it is a very special and rare race. At a later time, the exporters of this breed to join the enthusiasts from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, for example, but iz New Zealand. 

The nature of the breed and temperament

Pharaoh is very alert, intelligent, playful and friendly dog. Pharaoh characteristic is the ability in any situation and decide their own conditions. More and more and more popular with breeders have obtained for their innate wariness.To his surroundings is still awake. No problem captures the movement of unusual or unidentifiable sound and immediately begins to defend their territory barking. Great autonomy of the dog in the decision-making in unusual situations, it is the result of long-term development of the breed, which was used for many millennia his intelligence to survive. His instincts, created after so long vryly due to its nature, which means its very strong hunting instinct. When fishing very fast and wary. They hunt using sight and smell, for hunting in the near-used and hearing. Maltese hunted with the Pharaoh in the night. Their sharp eyesight and hearing of them are doing great, not only the night, the hunter. Despite these engraved hunting land, this does not meanthat the coexistence of pharaonic dog with other pets, it is not possible. However, it must be to start from an early age steneciho. Older dog it is also possible to learn, but it is necessary to give this exercise a great deal of patience.
Faraon is confined to its characteristic and nezamenitelnymi view, but their exceptional nature. As is apparent from the above povahovych properties Pharaonic dog is not for everyone, since everyone may not comply with his natural character, and vice versa, not everyone can afford Pharaoh ideal conditions for his welfare. If you take this dog, you should have it your way sensitive and calm relationship and respect the specific features of Character gained its independent development. Owner should also be sports-based,as Pharaoh love long walks, running or cycling in nature. Pharaoh nepohrdnou or racing or coursingovou distance, which for them is made.
Pharaonic dog is not usually aggressive, but if you feel threatened, and disrupted its territory to foreign invaders, with their apparent vyhruznosti. From other people keep a distance, and if the foreign person fails to secure his affection now for the first time, and usually it never obtains. In direct contact with a foreign person fades into the background, which is often described as shy, but is in turn inherited the instinct to create long-term development. Always immediately form their own view of the situation, that will be decided.All these characteristics Pharaoh does not suppress or even eliminate, but these features make Character pharaonic dog what it is. 
If you look in the face of Pharaoh, know now what you want after. His mimic the facial expressions, position of ears, sight, or even voice speech, which consists of a rich range of tones of varying length and intensity speaks for all. It expresses not only a great affection to his master, but also the normal communications such as in the family circle. It is also very responsive and monitor their environment and listens, and who says what.
With the education of this breed, the procedure is complex and its way different from the classical and well-known training. Despite all his Character properties are endowed with stubbornness and bit,but it can learn obedience, but again only with patience and understanding. It does not like a big pressure, because we have to waive the normal process of education. When sblizite your Pharaoh know that you do after you without any pressure and persuasion, and just to make your man happy.

Use and application of the breed

In the climatic conditions prevalent in our country, is a type of dog Pharaoh hodiciho only to the flat, where he felt his pleasant social characteristics. For rearing at home is an advantage as well as the following: consistent purity and that it is not endowed with the dog smell and even when hair is wet. It is not appropriate to issue long-term sun Pharaoh, which he threatens to overheat and, conversely, any frost drunk. Temperatures around 0C would be risky.As we already mentioned, the Pharaonic dogs strong hunting instinct prevails and it is better to unknown places, and frequented only lead dog on a leash. As far as the direct application of pharaonic dog in the Czech Republic, is a very small few of the activities, such as: racing or coursing, but above all is Pharaoh domestic partner and loyal friend and family member. In their country of origin is still used as a small game hunter, such as rabbits. 

Brief description of the breed

Faraon is a medium-sized characters with noble possession of the body. Standard specifies the height of 56 cm in males and females 53 cm. It is still listed permissible in dogs to 63.5 cm for females to 61 cm. Weight ranges from 18 to 27 kg. It should not be overweight. Pharaonic hound dog is beautiful zevnejsku.It has a light and rapid movement with ostrazitym expression. Pharaoh have unique eyes. They have a shape like almonds and are extremely significant. Ears are very mobile and unmistakable, especially when waiting for the outlook, for example, on the game. This significant part of the head is also enriched specificities and when chasing prey, for example, the ears, he turns pink. Another feature is that they are characterized by extraordinary whiteness of their teeth, even the old dogs. Pharaonic greyhound is a very special paw. It does not have short fingers, the cat paw and not long, the rabbit foot, but consist of a combination of both types. Limbs are very strong, and massive kostnate. Pharaoh used the front limbs as well as the cat, and more precisely on the washing. Faraonimaji very resistant feet.Hold a heavy burden and the possibility of injury when running on very uneven and rough terrain is just exceptional. In contrast, however, are very sensitive to Paws frost or snow. Coloring these dogs are basically odstinovano in one color and shades of sand. Puppies are born lighter and time tmavnou. Standard specifies a whitespace allowed. Very desirable is also a white tail tip


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