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Especially anyone neotravit

Can I put dog raisins? Help cat from ticks spray for dogs? What to do if dog ate glue?
Especially anyone neotravit

Safe Home

The poisoning of an adult dog does not happen that often. If the dog devour anything it will irritate the mucous membranes at the beginning of the digestive tract, usually as easy vyvrhne. Most at risk are puppies that taste everything out of curiosity, what will come.
Poisoning usually causes the owners to their pets their own ignorance and negligence. A significant percentage of poisoning have been responsible for unsecured chemicals in the house and its surroundings. And unfortunately, we find among the psychologically disturbed individuals, who spend their dogs nastrkuji intentionally poisoned baits to dog owners a lot of places visited.

What to watch the most?

In the pantry to grapes, raisins, sweetener Xylitol, raw potato, black nightshade, onions, unripe tomatoes,macadam nuts and stone fruit, including virtually all. almond, coffee, onions, fatty foods, salt, yeast dough or chocolate - the darker the dog dangerous.
In the bathroom, then to the various air fresheners, deodorants and perfumes, to toothpaste and mouthwash to shampoos, soaps and detergents to medicines, bleaches and bleach for colors and tints to the hair. In the chamber of all cleaners from creams shoe polish on the furniture, the disinfection of all types, the anti-moth, spraying of fertilizers and also poisonous houseplants. Romantic nature must be careful not to candles, aromatic wax and lamp oil, tobacco smokers and modelers to gluemodeling clay and paint.
Workshop and garage is full of toxic hazards in the form of battery, defroster, road salt, motor oil, gasoline and diesel fuel, solvents, thinners and cleaners for metal, paints, varnishes and paints. A special chapter is formed all around the garden: insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, equipment for care of the aquarium, cat litter, lighters to the grill, and outdoor plants, including poisonous mushrooms.
The dog can poison the resources that are intended strictly for him - but not to eat: repellents, anti-fleas and ticks, veterinary medicines, if the dog is naordinuje itself.The poison in the body of an animal very quickly gets after viper bites or ingestion of certain species of frogs and salamanders.
Who do you take your dog or cat with them to office, he would carefully count the pencils and propisovacky and safeguard the common ink cartridges.

Details on the label?

Not all warnings are provided to us in the packaging of the product and in this regard is far forged the Americans, who prefer to ascribe risks to the leaflet No amount of nonsense in order to avoid possible accusations later (who knew the case would be won by the process owner of the cat, which had dried Wet the animal into the microwave ...? judge accepted a claim against the hapless owner of the animal and equipment manufacturers,because the device lacked the label Do not wet the animals, danger radius of at least twenty yards). Therefore, it is more quiet time and study the data available at least on the Internet. Have recently been made available websites VETTOX, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University and the Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and pharmaceuticals, where you can study in peace time, with such toxins can a dog or cat to come into contact and how to proceed in case of poisoning. It is important to read through this information pre-emptively, before acute poisoning actually occurs. In terms of prevention and rapid countermeasures, if poisoning actually occurred (or would that animal's owner should have reasonable suspicion), it is certainly useful to have stored in your phone contacts to the vet.If you are really priotravi animal and finds himself in a short while in the throes, is usually time to search the internet, what to do. 

What to do in case of poisoning

Always contact your vet. It is the things to keep in reserve as well as links to the veterinary clinic for continuous operation. They tell us by phone steps that can save the life or health of the animal to make at home, or to prepare for emergency vet income. If we start to look up contacts in case of poisoning, reducing the time needed to save the animal's life.
Telephone advice is provided on non-stop route Poisons Information Centre, call 00420 224 919 293 224 915 or 00420 402nd
Ensure allmight help in the diagnosis of poisoning: packaging, labels, rest ingestion of the substance, the drug box and leaflet, at least in the worst remnants rozkousanych tablets, ointments, plants, etc.. Most of the plays for a minute, so even the vet does not have much time to detect the substance caused the poisoning. When you pet is vomiting or has diarrhea, remove the pre-vomit or stool sample.
An animal that is unconscious, having convulsions, and nervous symptoms, do not inject anything fundamentally.

Preparations against fleas for dogs and for cats?

All possibilities for animal protection against fleas and ticks in the home, where they keep dogs and cats, to be discussed with your veterinarian. Of course, there are products that can be successfully applied both for dogs and for catsbut the dosage is completely different. Not only is it necessary to take into account the different weights, but the cat dose is far more subtle. Far better is to buy special dog and cat products specifically.
Cats do not give the rest of the pipette and sprays for dogs is essential to follow the number of strokes for each species and weighted according to the instructions. Breeders who prefer dose increased, causing the animal when its not poisoning, and more or less health problems for sure.
Because of the anti external parasites, which are intended for external use only, not to get into the digestive tract of animals because of possible poisoning, be sure that your dog or cat a place where the substance has been applied, neolizovali. One animal maybe an hour or an hour and a half we keep under controlBut what if we keep more animals? Then it is recommended to separate application and complete drying of the animals either consistently seize, or literally have supervised.


Mostly breeder ask, what about cosmetic creams. Harms an animal, lick your hand when treated with cosmetic?
Beauty, of course, contains a number of different substances, incl. alcohol, fats, dyes, perfumes, herbal extracts and other ingredients, but which are subject to manufacturing secrets. Oliznutim hand (or face) with a suitable amount of makeup or facial threaten an animal poisoning directly, rather allergic reaction to any component: sneezing, irritation of the mouth, start to vomit or allergic skin reactions.


Especially in families with a puppy is a huge risk to grow freely accessible to plants that might try and take the dog to the far-reaching consequences. Therefore, it is better monsters, philodendron, difenbachii, anturium, aglaonemu, sludges, the garden, azaleas, rhododendrons, oleander, Amaryllis, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, irises and lilies to move away from the puppy.
Just as a dog threatens belladonna, henbane and datura black general. In the wild plants are poisonous to Yew, sharp buttercup, monkshood, swamp horsetail, ragwort ragwort, kychavice, Ocun autumn, and kulciba poppy, foxglove, lily of the valley, alfalfa, red clover, lupins, field weeds and ivy, and cause severe poisoning and Thuja,Chvojka spurge and juniper.

The first symptoms of poisoning

Various toxins induce different symptoms and even swallowed the same poison two dogs may not have exactly the same symptoms. For the layman, it should be alarming excessive salivation, vomiting, fatigue, weakness and drowsiness, coma and convulsions, gradually add the motor restlessness, blurred vision, paralysis of the breathing, bleeding from body openings, vomiting blood, diarrhea and cramps, blood in urine and faeces, haemorrhages in different pale mucous membranes, conjunctiva and iris, bruising, bleeding from intensive small abrasions. Other symptoms may be the type of toxic substance dry mucous membranes, dilated pupils, nervous system depression, circulatory failure and abnormal heart rhythm.

First Aid

If the breeder findsthat the ingestion of animal at the time the poison in any form to avoid further toxic substance intake, induce vomiting with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or salt, mustard or baking soda and then put on a hunger strike with hot tea (which really just a dog drink so much it needs fluid) and charcoal. If the dog alkali consumed, induce vomiting, is not!
If the poisoning occurred some time ago, it is necessary to take a sample of toxic substances, or vomit, and rushing to the nearest veterinary clinic. Also, if it considers the farmer, his dog poisoning symptoms beginning to appear and make it into context with the fact that a dog has consumed during a walk suspicious thing is good to call the vet, and before transporting the difficulties thatto the mitigation of the consequences could commence during transport.
The dog, who fell into a coma, it is necessary to clear the airway and perform CPR.

Questions and answers

Veterinarians will be interested in age, breed, sex and approximate weight of the dog, the dog was last vaccinated, possible reasons why the dog should be poisoned, and where the dog is housed and whether it can access another person, type of clinical symptoms, which began in If the breeder has bred more dogs in one, how many dogs have the same problems, if the symptoms improve or worsen, if known poison, which the animal is poisonedand if you have a package from him, the quantity of poison ingested, the dog has consumed, whether you are home free of human or veterinary drugs, what drugs or other animal preparations were recently submitted, which was last performed in the vicinity of rat and whether the dog can come into contact with the poisoned rodents.
It is also likely that the vet asks for food and mark any changes in diet, as to whether the dog had similar problems in the past, does a recently other medicines, or if suffering from allergies.

Technical Support

Symptoms of poisoning often coincide with symptoms of other illnesses that may not have anything to do with toxins. On the other hand - poisoning is a condition that always threatens the life of the dog. So if you suspect poisoning is confirmed,continued treatment at the hands of a veterinarian.
Compared to most poisons, there are antidotes. The principle in the treatment of poisoning is important to clarify the type of poison. Only if the poison is known, may be given an antidote - and only then the dog has a chance of cure or at least reduce the effects of poisoning. Where one is not detected, or if there is no antidote, treatment is only symptomatic of poisoning, ie the damping of clinical symptoms.
It may be gastric lavage, administration of vitamin K or blood transfusion. Duck in the form of drops should be administered with a fatty diet for easier absorption, and for a minimum of five weeks, and should not be taken with charcoal. Throughout the treatment should be given to the dog loose, mushy diet does not require chewing,continue to not damage the mucosa and prevent their bleeding. Of course, the dog must be kept quiet.
For more information on preventing and solving urgent and less acute poisoning, visit the Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University, joint with the Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicaments .

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