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Nemladne Nobody, not even a dog

Some of us have learned this on yourself: it reduces the performance of the drive, harder to see and hear, as the body proportions, dentition and thin gray hair. The same symptoms will meet sooner or later every dog.
Nemladne Nobody, not even a dog

You will notice that your dog getting old?

Signs of Aging

Top owner himself knows that his dog is getting older. Near registers mostly gray nose, although not all breeds are prone to graying - though perhaps poodle
Cocker Spaniel and Newfoundland nesedivi ever, while his face turns white dlouhosrstemu Dachshund fairly soon and white breeds (along with some color), while turn gray, but not to see
them. In humans it is said that graying is linked with the concerns, and by the fact that even within breeds of dogs used to gray living and working outdoors than their relatives from human habitations, something that will.
While the graying itself is not anything that would endanger the dog, or cut,There are many diseases accompanying old age. With some signs of a dog owner should pay attention. Kidney disease is usually accompanied by frequent urination, sometimes unfortunately in the apartment, as well as old men do not have a dog under control or fecal. The increased consumption of water for drinking may be a harbinger of many diseases that need time to catch: the elderly at risk diabetes, Cushing's syndrome or renal function. Older females tend to have hormonal fluctuations after the rut, usually associated with inflammatory disease of the uterus, but the problems associated with the production of sex hormones can have dogs. Older animals also trpivaji eating disorders, obesity, underweight, or vice versa,and tend to have the propensity for cancer.
The impairment of the senses, which also accompanies aging, but is a veterinary site too can be done. Operatively can be dealt with congenital eye defects, or traumatic conditions not related to age, so the owner must generally accept that his dog to an old and difficult to see hear, which has an impact on the perception of all the dog and its reactivity. In an environment that the dog knows he can move after loss of vision, so it is best to move furniture or remember things on the earth. Calling for the deaf or partially nedoslychaveho dog accompany Clap or stamp, because the animal can at least register the vibrations. Outside, in principle, use a guide.
There are also dogswhich shall come old age and moroseness grouchiness. Crankiness may stem either from some physical problems, or are beginning to show some mental illness. To nenalozenost was not a total anxiety and the need to later aggression, the dog should be allowed to investigate and possibly eliminate the pain or illness and, if necessary, use of prescription drugs to favorably influence the problem behavior.

How pleasant PSY AGE


The need for movement of change over the passing years. Some dogs begin to gradually slow the pace of the game is not worth much and walks have been so joyful pleasure as before. The owner of the animal is actually lucky: the dog he notes that it is time to move on senior regime (i) during the movement.This active dogs who want to make extra joy of the Lord literally at all costs, relentlessly wearing retrieving, keeping pace with him and with other dogs and can not show fatigue, so overwhelm their capabilities and thus health. If the dog zadychava earlier and if it needs more rest to regenerate forces, it is time to calculate years from now and set the pace in practice the (Lord) reasoning.
The length of walks should be shortened and, if possible, increase their number by at least one day. Really old dogs have to walk out of refuse, mainly in the cold and rain, but also to provide a minimum will help keep their shape, movement, digestion and ultimately psyche. Only new ideas out there - a hitherto unknown objects, smells, situations - are a natural mental stimulation.According to figures from the book by A. McHugh has been demonstrated by examining two groups of beagles aged 7-11 years, knowing that the regular instructor with various toys and the company of other dogs, unlike the dogs in the second, passive group is also able to learn new advanced age bits.
Worn joints of older dogs can also interfere with walking up the stairs, so if possible, take the dog through these sections in the arms or bag. 


The old one zimomrivost, especially when the dog does not move, the hair is thin and has also lost the quality. The main causes are hormonal changes that come with advanced age carries. The dog should have a bed in a place where there is no draft,and animals living outside the hut heated by the wind, itself a place to sleep, it is appropriate to add extra blanket.
In the winter walking the dog can wear a jacket - if you can stand. Navlekanim stressed dog sweaters, if it has not been used, especially in old age we did not, so rather shorten the length of the walk under current weather.
In summer, by contrast, will see to it that the old dog overheat.
Sparse on the nose and ears dog does not have skin as completely as before, so in summer, use the little sheltered place in winter greasy suntan lotion.


Older dogs tend to have soft skin, less fat, lack of muscle bulging and aching bones - or all together.Do not lie to them just so easy to hard (and cold) surface. The soft pad will try these shortcomings replace their old age.
If the dog still had his chair aside and allowed the observation on the windowsill, commit him to a comfortable ascent and descent of the stool, or other non-slip step and sufficiently stable with adequate capacity. Mainly larger, heavier breeds will take a stool for getting into a car.
Because of the painful back or missing teeth, the dog will definitely appreciate a bowl of water and feeding on high ground that he did not have too much bending.
If you suffer from isolation, because he has the strength to follow us step by step in different rooms of the apartment you move him to center stage.Aching joints and hydrolysis of gliding surface drapkum make better by putting non-slip rugs.


Feeding the elderly and the old dog is for real, manufacturers and retailers of dog food. Animals higher age categories do not always have high demands on energy yield, so food for them should be less calories, while the digestibility of what exactly the opposite.
Prepared meals for dogs, seniors should contain more minerals, especially calcium, which reduces bone loss, and gelling agent containing chondroitin and glucosamine anti wear joints.In this sense, the development of fast-forward and almost every manufacturer has its own recipe for the perfect composition of the feed not only for seniors.
Food for older dogs must be well influence the digestion and perfect use of all nutrients. With age, decreases intestinal peristalsis and slowing the passage of food through the digestive tract is accompanied by constipation. Usually older dogs suffer from bulimia and morbid, which brings both problems with both obesity and excretion as well with increased appetite, the dog no less moving.
Feeding the old dog must therefore contain less protein and fat but more fiber. This is in addition to accelerating function in the gut have the effect that the dog has a feeling of satiety. If the dog shows signs of a disease and yet dangerously thin, the cause may be thatthat his body during the digestive process can not absorb enough nutrients from food. In these cases warranted given the highly digestible energy and heartier fare.
For proper burning of calories will help, if we feed the dog more often in smaller doses. The daily ration, it gradually begins to split into two at first, later up to four parts. The dosage will be hungry and his body all the nutrients better absorbed.
Refuses an older dog food, let him look professional teeth; cause may be in that dog just a toothache. If we have them throughout their lives ignored, may now be too late. In the mouth it can be extensive inflammation, broken or decayed teeth, or even a dental stone, but it will not removebecause the organism would pejskuv advanced age anesthetic kidnapped. 


Fleas, ticks and other parasites do not avoid any age group, so that saves even an old dog. But age has weakened not only the skin, but the animal's immune system. Even in the age vypukaji dogs allergic reaction, which is perhaps not a happy accident avoided.
What guides the dog from unwanted use, while damage to his fragile health?
The fact that insect repellent use, we should consult with your veterinarian. This may be the instillation Frontline blades, but there are other resources with other routes of administration. If possible, avoid continuous media: tablets, collar soaked repellents and shampoos.Old dog could cause serious side effects.
Less chemistry requires us to be more automatic entitlements. First, we must dog regularly sweep and catch any fleas, ticks removed as soon as possible after the snap, and all fabrics at home and the apartment cleaned and treated against fleas friendly means.
Terms deworming and vaccination follow the instructions of a veterinarian.


Given that small breeds are essentially live longer than large and giant, and that depends on gender dispositions and on many other factors, which often affects not genetics, but by the owner of the animal, it is not possible to accurately determine the age limit.It is often stated notional boundary indicative of two-thirds of the average life of the breed. So if, for example, Great Dane average lifespan of ten years for an older dog can be seen already after the sixth year of age, while the poodle or a dachshund with an average dozivanymi seventeen years old comes up to eleventh birthday.
If you have a dog that is approaching two-thirds of that line, let him at least once a year to investigate urine and, if need be, and the blood. Only early detection and treatment of any disease, prolong his life - and thus both of us happy coexistence.

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